

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Making a doll for Ealhswith

Making a doll for Ealhswith

When making dolls for my dolls, I have always liked using a different fabric, to denote the difference between them. I feel that if I make them a doll using the same skin fabric, it will be more like a sister than their doll. Call me weird, Im Ok with it.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Now, I do love making small rag dolls using this special cotton muslin my Mother gave to me last year. Of course I like using it in its normal off-white/cream presence but I felt this little doll needed a bit more colour, so I used a strong brew of tea to dye it.

The result is this beautiful colour, a rose with a hint of brown. So lovely. It reminds me of the colour I get when I use birch bark to dye fabric, though I dipped the fabric in the dye for much less time than I usually do when I dye with birch bark.

Ealhswith is my new doll in the studio. She is the object of much obsessing, as we have ran quite the gamut of ideas through her. I, for one, did not anticipate this “holly-hobbyesque” apron at all, I thought I was going to make her a long affair with a striped cotton. But there is no budging from this one. She knows what she wants.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Though at the moment we haven’t finished said apron. We are still on negotiations over what sort of ties to add. I suggested the same leafy fabric to make some sewn ties. She looked longingly at some ribbon. I think I know who is going to win this one too.

This arbitration process is also taking part regarding Flossy’s hair. I suggested some suitable fibers to add “age and charm” to Flossy’s head. Ealhswith says she wants Rapunzel-esque braids. I may give up soon all semblance of dollmaking control.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Now, as has become some sort of “signature” of sorts, I am using again repurposed cashmere ribbing on the neck and cuffs of her pretty dress. Hinting at using some similar material for Flossy’s attire, but since Ealhswith seems to be running the show at the moment, I should better keep my mouth shut. Lord knows what she is going to suggest. As long as it is not overalls!

And if you are as enamoured with the prints of her apron, I can relate. My dear friend Monika gifted me a box of reproduction chintz prints by Den Haan & Wagenmakers from Amsterdam. It was meant to be a complete kit to make a quilt, but since I don’t make human-size quilts but do make doll clothes, I have slowly been using some of the cut-up strips in my doll designs.

I used them both of Cliodhna’s dress in those gorgeous greens, and made a patchwork band with blues and reds for her sister Aoife.

So I highly recommend you buy yourself a “kit” of matching prints, meant for quilting, and that you use them as small pops of colours in your doll clothing designs.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Making a rag doll for my natural fiber art doll, Ealhswith and Flossy. via Fig and me.

Though it’s still early here I think I am going to hang my dollmaking apron for the day and go for a walk. Maybe a flash of inspiration will be found amongst the fallen leaves of birches and poplar, smelling the musty and smoky air of Autumn, which seems to be the inspiration behind these two. Maybe when I get back they will be better behaved, though that has never happened so I don’t even know why I keep wishing for it.

See you soon with an update on Flossy. Thank you for coming to visit!

Hansel and Gretel, Part 5: Assembling the Dolls

Hansel and Gretel, Part 5: Assembling the Dolls

Hansel and Gretel, Part 4: Making the Body

Hansel and Gretel, Part 4: Making the Body