fig & me

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Phoebe, dreaming of moonbeams and sand.

Phoebe, a natural fiber art doll, custom made and currently in the works. By Fig and Me.

I am currently working on this sweet lady. She is a custom playmate for a very dear customer of mine, an über talented photographer, writer and I dare say: poetess. Even though I haven't had the privilege of reading her work, I can imagine it a bit by seeing her photos.

When she requested this doll I can honestly say my hands got sweaty with excitement. I knew her doll would be someone I would cherish to have in my home, and see come out of my hands.

Phoebe, a natural fiber art doll, waldorf inspired, wearing her lovely crown of lilac blooms. Sitting by a window and dreaming of all the things she wants to do when she grows up. By Fig & Me.

When I decide to work with someone in creating a custom doll, it's a bit of magic and determination. I am extremely open to the fate of the 'lucky of the draw' system, as it has enabled me to find people and read stories I wouldn't otherwise get to hear.

Once the time has come to work on their doll, we go through a bit of tug-of-war. I try to get as much information from them as they feel comfortable giving me, they try to find out as much as possible how the doll will turn out looking and agonize quite often about their selections.

It is so endearing to me, to see them worrying about this tiny little aspect. I guess, since they haven't made dolls they are not aware that their dolls will have a life of their own, even before they are made. 

Yes, of course. Selecting skin tones, eye colour and hair options are all valid points to agonize, to devote some time to make sure they are what you want, but they are definitely not what makes a doll truly special.

I have tried to understand this, to write down notes, to think about art and creative flow. But I guess it just comes up to magic. It has to be. I have seen countless dolls with Phoebe's skin tone, eye colour, and hair style. Yet, she is very special. She is unique to me and to the hands that created her. She has a little bit of her Mom infused in her, and a bit of her creator as well.

These two energies have worked, hand and spirit, to put her into cloth and wool form. If you don't believe me, just think about this: after so many years of excited discoveries, we came up with the Higgs boson particle, coming to some sort of conclusion that matter in the Universe is nothing but an extreme condensation of energy. The deeper we look, the more we find we are not here, unless we look from outside.

I know Phoebe is exactly that, an extreme condensation of the writings of her mom to me, and the input of my own energy, work ethics and satisfaction in creating her.

Now I truly hope her clothing "condenses" amiably and we don't have to use the seam ripper more than once. Wish me luck!.