fig & me

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A full warren.

Fig and Me Wee Babies.

This large batch of Wee Baby bunnies is all ready to hop-hop-hop into your sweet baskets. I have spent most of yesterday and today, primping those perky ears and blushing those round cheeks and giving them sweet peepers. But the monumental part of the work which is sewing and stuffing and the actual assembly of these babies goes to my Mother. A bit more info on that is required. 

Wee Babies by Fig and Me.

Last Christmas my mother came to visit us from Mexico, which she had done the previous year as well (and for the first time in five years!). Having fallen in love with creating dolls, she was very eager to help me and learn more while she was here with me. Upon leaving she raided my stash of cotton interlock in several skin tones, some tools and a lot of exciting plans. Promises were made, to return some of it in the shape of bunnies come Easter. I really didn't expect her to do it, because I know she is a very busy person, but lo and behold, a box arrived and it was full of this yummy bunnies.

Wondering what her plan was for making them all, as this was beyond retrieving some materials, the secret was revealed. She intends on keep making them for me, so that we can save enough money to all go together as a family and visit Mexico, and for a visit longer than a week she said. We haven't been there for 8 years and so a trip is really overdue. I have nephews and nieces to meet, and my little girls have quite the extended family to get acquainted with. It all sounds promising so I will keep encouraging my mother to collaborate with my doll making, especially because in the same way she nurtured my first doll making steps (she was my first client ever!), I want to return the favour in allowing her to create natural toys with her hands. I know how fun and exciting it can be to see little people come out of your hands. 

So for this initial "contribution" I gave all the little dolls eyes and sewn down their hats. The rest of the work is hers. The little mini bunnies you can also see in the photos are made entirely by me, as I was planning to have a wee little warren but was then surprised with this abundance of pointy-eared friends. It warms me to no end to see my mother so interested in what I do, so eager to help me and so excited to create herself. 

Wee Babies by Fig and me.

So without much ado, I will pop these little ones in the shop tomorrow at 11 AM EDT. Their price is $100 USD plus postage (taxes apply to Canadian residents). They measure about 8.5" tall and are made with a mix of wool and cashmere, stuffed with wool. The mini bunnies will be available shortly after, at noon, and those will be $28 USD plus postage. I am working on four Rumbly Tumblies, but those are still not ready for previews but will be available immediately after. And now I have to leave you because I have an exciting night of knitting ahead of me. I hope you too are enjoying your weekend.