fig & me

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We are family

That's how I see it anyway. The dolls form as much part of my family as some distant relatives, except the dolls are always here...always in between, always at my fingertips.

I celebrated my birthday yesterday, and my oldest daughter suggested that perhaps since it was my birthday I could have a "day off". She said this to me as I was writing a to do list for the week, and was reading to her out loud what I wanted, and needed, to accomplish. Powerful words from the lips of a person who lives in the now, who lives with almost zero concern for tomorrow, other than to ask when it's family game night or family movie night. So I kinda did. I mean, I always have to do something, but I managed to not really work all day (other than clean the house, empty out the fridge and stack a massive amount of firewood in our basement!).

Most days working on the dolls feels like a treat, so I don't consider it work. A few times my family has given me a "day off" and I use it to work on the dolls. It is my passion, my incentive, something that I always enjoy immensely doing, and although I encounter troubles and what not along the way, I do see it as a blessing, as something I am extremely lucky to have, and more importantly, as a special consideration that my family bestows upon me. They give me the time to do it, they put up with my antics and my excitement when anything doll-related is accomplished, and more importantly, they have made space in their lives for this passion of mine. We are family.

Now, this group of dolls feels just like that. Like a small little family. Each one is extremely different than the next. They together create diversity. There is no unanimous thing to them, other than the ingredients, the person who made them, and the theme they belong to. Every time I look at one of them I marvel at the fact that the doll next to them is different. How did I do that? They were all created at the same time, I made all their heads at the same time, and I worked individually on a doll while also looking at the sister right next to it. Yet, each of them is unique. It has a personality of their own, a story to tell, and pretty much like a member of a family, contributes to the bigger picture.

I won't talk specifically of what each doll represents to me, what I think they embody, or the story they have to tell you. I think that each doll speaks so clearly for who they are, that I don't need to say much about them. I normally write a brief description of the personality of each of my dolls, but with these little ones I feel like I would be taking from their own voice, and I don't want to do that. Not this time.

So without much ado, here they are. Four handmade dolls, of the natural variety, ready to be used and played with. Each of them is approximately 16" tall, and they will all be ready to rock tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM eastern time over here. I will head down to flickr a bit later, for more photos of each doll and to write down their individual prices. Our princess Aurora will be ready tomorrow for her Kismet announcement. She will be offered comment style for a brief period of 48 hours. I hope that grants everybody a chance to bring a boreal doll to their homes. Thank you for reading and Happy Halloween!!