fig & me

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Hello, and welcome

My first post in this new place.
A place I want to turn into a place of happiness.  
A place of inspiration.

A place where you and I can meet and gush about things that spark our creativity and things that make us smile.

A place for me to share my stories. My doll stories.
And a place to share my creative journey.

This is the driving emotion, the initial thought and the overall intention I have for creating a place such as this. A melting pot where you can find bits of fabric and morsels of thoughts. A place where I intend to keep the flame of my creativity growing.

I hope this place brings a little more light on who I am, what I do, why I do it and where to find it. I intend to keep this place nice and tidy, spruce up the cushions every season, dust regularly, keep a handy bowl of treats and a nice kettle always ready, with a lovely vase of flowers to bring light to our eyes. I hope you come and visit often. I promise to be here.
Thank you.