

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Ella, the sleepy head

Ella, the sleepy head

The wool child awakens, after a cozy slumber surrounded by heirloom blankets. She kept tossing about and asking to stay in bed awhile longer. I obviously conceded, who could say no to those eyes?

Ella, sound asleep. By Fig and Me.

Then the litany started. “I was dreaming about riding an elephant, a really big one, with a purple tail and pink skin and blue eyes.”

One bears it all to keep the dolls happy.

“Then the elephant had powers and she turned me into a mouse and this time I was on a boat, trying to find some cheese. I couldn’t find any and I was really hungry!”

No, not yet. Five more minutes! by Fig and Me.

“No, I don’t want to wake up yet, I told the elephant with powers. So she let me change into a girl again and then we went traveling by train, on the actual top of the train, so we could see the world much better!”

“We rode the train for hours and hours and days and nights and this time I was really, really hungry.”

Ella, telling stories. by Fig and Me.

“So we stopped in Mexico. Remember Mexico? Yes. We stopped there and ordered tacos. I ate all the tacos, because silly, elephants don’t eat tacos. It makes them sick. Only peanuts.”

“We went back on the train and I asked the conductor, very nicely I promise, to take me back to Canada so I can be with my mom. She makes me pie. I like pie.”

Ella in her cotton jersey pyjamas. By Fig and Me.

Drawstring pyjamas for comfy dreams. By Fig and Me.

Ella, telling stories about her travels. By Fig and Me.

I have had the immense fortune of creating Ella. She belongs to a rather large set of custom dolls, you might remember Hannah or Elijah.

As luck would have it, their mother has commissioned me to create all her children in doll form and we don’t take this opportunity lightly.

I feel utterly grateful as over the years not only has she supported the work of my creative spirit, I’ve also seen her children grow up. What an incredible journey I am in!

Miss Freckle Face. By Fig and Me.

Now, Little Ella, the girl covered in freckles, is ready to join the wool family. But I shall come back over the weekend to show you all the things that my hands have created for her.

I hope you come back to see them. Thank you for being here.

Ella, by Fig and Me.

A Butterfly Dress for Ella

A Butterfly Dress for Ella

Glenda, Natural Fiber Art Doll Ready To Play

Glenda, Natural Fiber Art Doll Ready To Play