

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Snow and the Barrens: a natural fiber art doll ready to play.

Snow and the Barrens: a natural fiber art doll ready to play.

We proceed with caution, squinting as we go, trying not to go blind from the overexposed world we inhabit. Such the story goes for Little Snow. Come in and I will tell you all about her.

Snow sits down to take a small break in her daily adventures through the barrens, natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me.

Snow sits down to take a small break in her daily adventures through the barrens, natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me.

Out there, the world is milky white, with a dash of Darjeeling tea that stains it lightly pink. Though we are nowhere near a tea pot or such fancy beverages to quelch the thirst and warm the hands, we still have the fortitude of heart to admire the landscape.

Snow loves to go outside and get lost in the barrens.

While other humans feel utter misery and abject despair at the wintry whites, the stark greys and the murky blues, Snow feels nothing but an inner glow expand, so grand it fills her completely, from inside out.

She was born here, she grew up here.

The biting winds are her friends who sing her lullabies, the blessed white her canvas.

The gentle soft light and her curious eyes. Natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me

The gentle soft light and her curious eyes. Natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me

Snow is a tiny hermit, dwelling in 300-year old dens made by arctic foxes. An old-fashioned wildling, who lives by the power of her legs, the craft of her hands and the sagacity of her spirit.

She lives in accordance to nature and takes only what she needs from it.

I wish I could live like Snow: perched on a snow bank, contemplating the drifts dance to the soundtrack of cracking ice. Not a care in the world.

Snow, art doll by Fig and Me. Sculpted in wool and dressed in her wintry attire.

Snow, art doll by Fig and Me. Sculpted in wool and dressed in her wintry attire.

Snow is a very quiet little soul. Seems to have little time for words and prefers actions to speak for her: a tuft of old-mans-beard in your tea, to help you beat the cold and red nose; a handmade pillow, full of summer hay and reindeer fiber, so you can have a good night’s sleep; a clean spot by the fire, so you can rest your tired feet.

Snow is very considerate and very observing. Nothing misses her falcon eyes.

Snow, a forest dweller doll child, by Fig and Me

Snow, a forest dweller doll child, by Fig and Me

Snow, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me

Snow, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me

She decides to wear clothes made for warmth, with her favourite colours: the winter ones. Dark greys, creams and white. She also loves patterns and is always finding them on the frozen lake, the fights of squirrels, the journey of snow bunnies, the flights of birds.

She said to me she likes to feel she is like an old Birch tree, a good friend of hers, covered in ancient lichens. So we tried to accommodate her requests when it came to her clothing. Her wild spirit is all her making, I had nothing to do with that.

Usnea and other lichens in Snow’s favourite tree.

Usnea and other lichens in Snow’s favourite tree.

Snow, a natural, fiber art doll, by Fig and Me

Snow, a natural, fiber art doll, by Fig and Me

Snow has been in the making in my doll studio for quite a while. As you probably already know, given I have been talking about her for ages, so I am very glad to finally be ready to say good-bye to her and hand her over to a willing mother who can take care of this wild heart. Snow is looking for a suitable home (she is an art doll, most appropriate for older children or adults) where she can bring some of her magic and love for nature. If you think you would like to give her a home, please enter your name and details in the form below. She will draw a name at random on Friday March 22ndt at 12 PM EDT.

Snow is a doll made in my Petite Fig style, 18” tall, with a jointed head. Her price is $1300 USD. Shipping to the US and Canada is $50 [insured and tracked], International wil need a revised quote depending on method of travel.

Snow wears her Mukluks and plays outside, by Fig and Me

Snow wears her Mukluks and plays outside, by Fig and Me

Snow, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me.

Snow, a natural fiber art doll by Fig and Me.

Snow is made with Swiss cotton jersey and stuffed very firmly with Canadian wool. Her head was sculpted entirely with needle-felting techniques, her slate blue/very dark grey eyes were embroidered and her rosy glow achieved with red beeswax. Snow is of petite construction but she is quite long, she measures 18” tall.

She wears a lovely, and the object of much obsession in this house if we must confess, winter coat made with repurposed lamsbwool knit. The colour work pattern is mesmerizing and just what Snow wanted to wear. It is not lined, but all seams have been either serged, bound or stitched by hand. It has a mao-style merino/angora collar, overlaps at the front, closes with hand-sewn snaps and a vintage wooden toggle. The skirt is extremely wide and longer at the back than at the front. The hem and front is faced with merino knit in dark slate. This is the warmest, loveliest coat I have made in quite a while.

She also comes with a forager bag where she can collect nature’s bounty: mushrooms, lichens, acorns, berries, bark, cattails, etc. The bag is made of boiled wool and is pebbly and lovely to the touch. I embroidered it and made it very long so she doesn’t ran out of room while on her walks.

Doll Mukluks by Fig and Me

Doll Mukluks by Fig and Me

She has a pair of boots, inspired by the native american mukluk design. These are made with repurposed, medium weight wool knit, have a front tab in dark slate wtih an embroidered snowflake and decorative leather bows. The sole is made with heavy-weight 100% woven felted wool.

Snow in her winter clothes, by Fig and me

Snow in her winter clothes, by Fig and me

Knitted cape with ribbing, cables and seed stitch, by Fig and Me

Knitted cape with ribbing, cables and seed stitch, by Fig and Me

She has a matching knitted hat and cape made with Icelandic wool yarn. Her cape has lovely cables at the back, ribbing for the shawl collar, seed stitch and closes at front with two vintage metal buttons.

Snow: a doll sculpted in wool with a jointed head. By Fig and Me.

Snow: a doll sculpted in wool with a jointed head. By Fig and Me.

One of my favourite things about Snow is that she has a handmade socket joint in her neck and head that allows her to pose and turn her head. She is so much fun to play! But that is a feature that needs gentle and kind hands, so please be mindful.

Snow has a jointed head and is stuffed and sculpted in wool. By Fig and Me.

Snow has a jointed head and is stuffed and sculpted in wool. By Fig and Me.

Snow and her little wooden donkey. By fig and me

Snow and her little wooden donkey. By fig and me

Snow also wears cabled, long socks, but she mostly likes to wear them all bunched up around her ankles. Children! She has the comfiest pair of overalls/jumper/jumpsuit I have ever made. These were sewn with a grey-striped cotton terry, with virgin wool ribbing and they open at the back. They have extremely wide legs, but are somewhat fitted at her chest. Snow likes to wear them “loose” when she is inside the house, but for going outside she likes to “tuck them in” so I gave them a little mother-of-pearl button on each leg and a handmade buttonloop so she can safely close those wide legs.

The jumpsuit has hand-sewn snaps at back and two fabric-covered buttons.

Snow in her doll underwear, made with tiny bows and cotton pointelle. by Fig and Me

Snow in her doll underwear, made with tiny bows and cotton pointelle. by Fig and Me

Under her overalls she wears a set of cotton pointelle under clothes, camisole and undies, with pink elastic and pink bows. She likes to wear as many layers as humanly possible so I tried my best to send her out in style, with several items of clothing to suit her personality and style.

Snow in her undershirt, by Fig and Me.

Snow in her undershirt, by Fig and Me.

So sorry for all the mishap with Snow’s listing. My website played tricks on me today, so I have decided to extend her listing one more day and end it on Friday. This way we can give you plenty of time to decide whether Snow speaks closely to your heart and not force and rash decisions. I had to take a long bath to calm down after my entire thing went poof in the internet and nothing loaded. Luckily I recovered the whole thing and was able to publish it. Phew!

If you are entering for Snow to bring her home, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. As you can probably tell, I take extreme pride in my work and pay so much attention not just to the doll’s creation but to all the details that tell you more of who she is. I firmly believe dolls are vials for imagination and I wish you the best of luck in getting this little girl to sit in a cozy spot next to you.

See you on Friday and thank you so much for coming to make her acquaintance.

A new doll, for my daughter.

A new doll, for my daughter.

Doll Making Materials and Tools for Natural Fiber Art Dolls

Doll Making Materials and Tools for Natural Fiber Art Dolls