

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

Mary had a little lamb.

Mary had a little lamb.

Or so goes the song. Funny thing is, I don't know the entire song but every time I look at these dolls nursery rhymes spring out of my lips. 

A spring baby lamb, by Fig and Me. 

This time I spiced things up a bit. I mixed the Wee Baby pattern with the chubby Rumbly Tumbly. So these little dolls are in a rather permanent seating position, but are not hefty as the Rumbly Tumbly ones, as they are not weighted. Definitely trying that next time though, as I can see these little ones infusing my hands again.

I also changed the tune from repurposed cashmere to a woven cotton chenille and a faux-fur. Now, let me tell you. Turning the cotton chenille right-side-out was a bit of a nightmare. Bad words were most definitely spoken. And I do believe I coughed a whole lung from the furryness ingested while cutting and sewing this other fabric. But, we all know dollmaking is not for the faint of heart, only for the brave and slightly insane. 

So let me present you the latest incarnation of these Spring babies, bunnies and lambs!.

A spring baby lamb, by Fig and Me. 

A spring baby lamb, by Fig and Me. 

A spring baby bunny, by Fig and Me. 

A spring baby bunny, made with cotton chenille and linen, by Fig and Me. 

A spring baby lamb, by Fig and Me. 

You can find them all in my Bigcartel shop today. They will become available for purchase tonight at 7 PM MDT. They are also a bit pricier to ship than the Wee Babies because they are seated so they take more space and can't be shipped in a large envelope. 

They were fun to make, albeit a bit cookie, so I will make some more but not for a while. Maybe in the summer or early Fall I can try my hands again at working with some more fun and exciting fabrics (I do wonder what I can use to make foxes and bears…the plot thickens!). Hoping some of you decide on bringing one of these little fellas to grace your home this Spring.

A spring baby bunny and his carrot baby, by Fig and Me. 

As for the bunnies and carrot babies, if you are "new" to Fig&me please don't think this is an extravagant idea. I have made these little ones in the past, but this time around I really wanted the baby to be much, much smaller. The bunnies agreed with me so there you have it. Hope they bring a big wide smile to you!.

I will leave you now with the handsome closeup of this little fellow. Why so serious? I think he was a bit over-tired. You do know babies need lots of naps and comfy blankets and grass doesn't always cut it. Ok, stop the banter now. Off I go into the studio again, see you soon!.

A spring baby bunny, by Fig and Me. 

Little Frida, revisiting the inspiration.

Little Frida, revisiting the inspiration.

Spring has sprung, doll clothing style.

Spring has sprung, doll clothing style.