

Welcome to my dollmaking journal. I write doll stories, share tips on this creative journey and so much more. Hope you enjoy your visit!.

And so it begins.

And so it begins.

With trembling hands, we donned needles and hooks, fiber and love. A new wool child is born.

My first love, a wool child. By Fig and Me.

I don't know about you, but the beginning of the year always has me in such a state. Not one of trepidation, although my heart does race. One that can best be described as ebullience. Especially in regards to dollmaking and what I call "my subversive activities". 

Creativity is a funny thing, you know? It has to be constantly exercised, stretched, moved about, etc. but above all it needs time and space to develop. You can't expect a constant fire without feeding it. 

The feeding takes many forms. In my case it requires ample space to just be and dawdle. To further sojourn into my dreams, to read books that have nothing to do with dolls. A flower will inspire a name or a colour scheme. A beautiful afternoon, where the wind dulls all sound around me, will bring a story. 

Stitching a little bit here, and a little bit there. Letting those stitches sink in (not just on the doll per se, although it sounds quite barbaric!), get used to being next to each other, letting the wool sit inside the body before I continue. It all takes incredible time.

I was thinking about time today and about creativity. Mostly because this little wool child stares at me and asks soft questions. The one thing I keep answering her is "I don't want to rush it".

I want, and have obviously, taken quite my time with her. From a doubtful piece of wool sculpture, she then became her. She is now a her. The most wonderful, squishy, wooly, brightly-happy miracle I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing. She is a person now!. I mean! If this doesn't floor you, I am not sure we can be friends.

My love. A beautiful (if I say so myself) little wool child in doll form. By Fig and Me.

Creativity sure needs that space around it. You don't have to be "super productive" to get a sense of accomplishment. You just have to do a little bit. Every little bit helps. Every little bit heals. Every little bit gets you closer to whatever your aim is. 

In her case, every little stitch gets us both closer. For her to find a home that loves her, for me to say good-bye. But not with sadness, with lots of gusto. Because I find life meaning in her creation. Because every step is thought of, agreed by, executed and then contemplated. 

Such feeling pours out of me when I see her. She has a misty quality and we shall explore every aspect of her personality before we let go. I hope you are in for the ride. 

My swet love, wearing a knitted alpaca crown and a mohair fancy collar. By Fig and Me. 

Raisa, a natural cloth art doll ready to play.

Raisa, a natural cloth art doll ready to play.

Ida May, the last baby of 2016.

Ida May, the last baby of 2016.