fig & me

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A little update on Patreon and a Giveaway.

As most of you already know, I opened a Patreon membership channel this year. This little adventure of mine has proven quite fruitful and I wanted to come and give everybody a little bit more information on what I have been up to, what I have cooking on the stove for Patreon and more importantly, share with you the little doll that is part of the Giveaway of this month. Read on.

This lollipop doll is the September Patreon Giveaway. Come and read more about her. By fig and me.

As I mentioned in this year's first Love Letter, I opened a Patreon channel for several reasons, one was to explore doll making with you on the front seat, through the making and sharing of videos. I have wanted to learn to make videos for so long and when I finally got a proper video camera I was just dying to dig into this medium.

Giving myself the "responsibility" of making and sharing a weekly video is what finally pushed me to do it on a regular basis, learning so much with every single video made.

Now, making videos comes in so handy when I try to answer one of your questions. It is also a very beautiful way to share about my doll process, whether in the making of a doll, a dress or a weft. I can take you by the hand, with only a few words but with many lovely images, and show you not just what I am doing, but how and what I think on the whole thing. 

I have now been exploring video-making on a weekly basis since February. I had a dramatic learning curve to climb and having at least toned down to some extent the technical aspects of editing, I am now going to dig deeper into the content and storytelling to be done through this medium. 

Lollipop doll by Fig and Me. 

Lollipop doll giveaway by Fig and Me. 

I have kept the Patreon adventure somewhat tucked away for insiders, I don't really mention it that much here on the blog, but I thought it a good idea to let you know what is happening this month because we have exciting news: a Lollipop doll giveaway!. 

Now, I have run giveaways pretty regularly over there, that have ranged from a totally awesome 11" MiniFig doll in celebration of the channel's opening, doll clothing, patterns, and even wool wands. Whenever I publish a new doll tutorial or pattern I also give the members a handy discount coupon so they can use it towards the purchase of the pattern, if they are so inclined.

This as a way to show my gratitude to all the people that watch these videos, ask really interesting questions, to all those people that gift me with their attention and encouragement. Without their presence there I would feel very lonely and not as eager to create my weekly videos, to be honest. 

But coming back from Europe I knew I wanted to giveaway another doll, and this Lollipop fits just the ticket. Let me first tell you more about her, and then I will let you know of my future plans for Patreon.

Doll Giveaway by Fig and Me. 

The first-ever lollipop was created as sidekick to my sweet Hermione. She was so long and lanky and loads of fun, which made quite a few people fall in love with her. I ended up re-sizing the pattern and making a few more side-kicks for special custom dolls, as I have never sold them separately. 

This particular iteration of the pattern is just a tad smaller, but her torso is made with woven fabric (canvas) versus the traditional skin tone I use; it is also completely weighted with glass beads. The head is formed and sculpted the traditional Waldorf doll way, without any needle-felting; eyes are embroidered as well as mouth. Lollipop dolls always have cashmere fabric draped for their hair, and this fancy lady wanted additional sewn-in buns and wool felt beads permanently sewn to her hairdo. We agreed. 

She is wearing a wide skirt with a waistband and long flounce, as well as wool mary janes and a lovely knitted shawl with straps. As all my dolls she is stuffed with Canadian wool and has a lot of charm and personality. 

Doll Giveaway by Fig and Me. A sweet Lollipop doll for my Patreon subscribers.

Now, last time I held a doll Giveaway on Patreon, I announced it to you all once the entries were over. There was some grumbling as understandably by then no more people had a chance to enter. So this time I am doing things a little different. 

If you are already subscribed to my channel on Patreon as an active member through September, you are already entered to win this sweet lollipop. If you are not, you have all month to subscribe and get a chance at bringing this Lolli home. Of course, be advised that by subscribing to the channel you will be charged for that month's subscription right away. I will draw a winner on September 30. Easy-peasy. You have until then to join my Patreon circle of trust.

By joining my Patreon channel you can watch weekly videos on my doll process, clothing adventures, workshop recaps, a few crazy vlogs, tutorials and more. You are free to subscribe for one month or as many months as you see fit. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and rejoin whenever you see fit. 

To say I enjoy it greatly is an understatement. As everything else that has to do with my doll making (other than the book-keeping!), the weekly videos are a medium of self-expression, of exploring new ideas, of learning. Each new facet brings challenges to overcome and valleys of deep understanding. I love it all. 

As I continue on this new path, I have now come to the conclusion that I am ready to explore storytelling through video. Both exciting and terrifying to contemplate. So much room to grow and create.

So, if you come to Patreon through this exciting doll giveaway and stick in there a little longer, you will be able to see first-hand how I explore doll making and storytelling hand-in-hand; much in the same way I have been doing it with this good ole' blog of mine, but this time with movement, music, angles and transitions. I have now more ways to tell and capture a doll story.

In a few months time I should be able to load slightly longer videos, aiming at producing deeper stories, but for now rest assured that my Vlogs will be short and sweet, to spare you the crazy as much as possible. 

Thank you so much to all the Patreon members that were there at the beginning, and have now left to spend more time in their own doll making adventures. To the ones still there from the beginning. To the ones that joined recently. To the ones that are to come. Your presence and support through this channel has encouraged me so greatly and validated immensely the paths and new ideas I have wanted to explore. 

So this Lolli is a small way to say that, from my hands to yours, I wish you all GOOD LUCK!.