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A World of Dolls and Little Sonnet | Natural Fiber Art Doll Ready to Play

Sometimes I try to avoid the unavoidable, which is: to say good bye to my dolls and find them a home. I do try as much as possible to prolong their stay with me if only because I enjoy their company so much!

So yes, the time has come to find Miss Sonnet a home. But let me tell you more about her.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Some people out there on Instagram have described Sonnet as ‘royalty’, ‘princess’, etc. I guess she does give off the vibe and truth be told I envisioned a very posh, elegant girl, when I dreamt Miss Sonnet a day long ago.

I’ve mentioned before that I usually dream my dolls. Not always in full form, that is, not with all the details pegged down, but always with a distinct feeling of who they are.

Sometimes that feeling reassembles itself into the clothing or the story of my doll. Sonnet is one of the dolls that came to me with the clothing in her wooly hands.

She was not stubborn in her silence, she was generous with her guidance in the sewing room.

One thing for sure: she was an older girl, full of dreams, long hair with two massive buns a la medieval princess, a very full dress not entirely practical for climbing trees, but essential for cuddling under and reading a long leather-bound novel with thick pages and pressed flowers inside.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Sonnet is the kind of girl who has been very pampered in life. Not one for the manual labours or daily toil, she devotes most of her time to the gentle arts: embroidery, flower arranging (she has such a great eye!), table setting, aromatherapy and of course: writing long letters on parchments sealed with a big fat wax seal in the crest of the family.

Having a long family in need of news about life, she writes with gusto on a daily basis. One day she sends Grandmother an accurate description of the autumn garden, the next day she writes her sister a chirpy report on the village gossip, followed by a more serious account of the bagatelles purchased by Mother.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Sonnet loves to walk for long hours every day. She usually carries a small bundle wrapped in blue and white checkerboard linen which contains her luncheon. She loves to eat outside, by the creek or the ruins of the old Abbey. Sometimes she finds a great spot under an oak tree or overlooking wide pastures.

Sonnet loves her solitude. It imbues her letters with so much fact and detail. She can accurately describe the change in the seasons, the daily weather, the activities of the neighbours, the thriving life of the pond.

It fills her life with the kind of quiet that certain sensible souls need in order to prosper.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Although she walks alone she is never lonely. She has an overactive imagination and sometimes entertains long conversations, even out loud, with characters, old friends, her Grandmother or the chamber maid who leaves little posies of tiny wildflowers by her bed because she know she loves them.

If you feel a sense of kinship with this marathon-prone child, who loves to sit by a warm fire quietly embroidering her next master opus, avid reader and family clerk, village journalist, nature storyteller and history scribe, then please fill your details in the form below. She is looking for a home this week and I do hope she finds what she is looking for.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

Sonnet is a 16” tall natural fiber art doll, made in my Petite Fig pattern. A doll style of very thin nature. She is sculpted and stuffed in wool, has added weight in her torso and her head rotates and can be gently posed. Her eyes are embroidered and her hair is made of gorgeous dark brown (nearly black) mohair.

Sonnet wears an underdress in linen and cotton voile (you can see it here) trimmed with scallop lace and crochet bias, precious bloomers trimmed in eyelet lace, long cabled socks, wool boots with leather straps, a 100% cashmere dress with ‘leg-o-mutton’ sleeves and trimmed in vintage handmade crochet edging. She also wears a small capelet edged in ruffles with a cute signature button. Sonnet’s hair buns are removable and attached to brass hair clips.

- Sonnet has found a home. Thank you for your interest in my little dolls ❤️

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.

If you are one of the kind and willing souls trying to give Miss Sonnet a warm home, we thank you deeply for your interest and generosity.

I have been a dollmaker now for 15 years and every single time I find a home for one of my dolls I feel the entire universe supporting my creative heart.

Thank you so much for coming to read about Sonnet. I hope you enjoyed this little description of the life I dreamt up for her and I will see you all very soon.

Natural fiber art doll Sonnet by Fig and Me.