fig & me

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Wittle babies.

Yes, yes. It has been a while. But in my defense, these little babies make my ovaries burst so one must look after the reproductive health and not make them as often as one wants. #truth.

A wee 11" tall natural fiber art baby doll by Fig and Me. Basking in the light. 

I think the last time I made these little ones, was the actual time I down-sized the pattern. Oh lordy lord! it's been a while. Two years to be exact. 

Well, if you have better memory than I have, you will recall I turned their whole wardrobe into a knitting book of sorts, called 'Baby Layette' that for some unknown reason to me was never published, #failed.

I found the pattern a while ago in my computer and I had to shake my head, whatever did possess me to not publish it? Then I remembered. I never wrote the 'pattern' for the wee knitted hat they are all a-wearing and had to make another baby to make sure it fits. Agh. So making-babies-time!.

This time I promise, super-pinky-promise, I will publish the book so you can start knitting little things for chubby 11" tall dollies. Promise. For reals. 

My baby. I shall name her Pumpkin Spice. Or maybe Mackenzie. Gosh, I am running out of names over here!. By Fig and Me. 

Now, this wee fat little bebe has no need for knitted jackets or wee crochet shoes. She is sporting a lovely knitted collar though, because I just think maybe scarves are not the best things for babies, but knitted collars keep their cheeks and necks warm and make them look like nice little cupcakes.

I have been playing with them for little over two weeks, and 'revisiting' their pattern as is my tradition. Make little notes here or there (that I lose all the time), jotting ideas for future pattern improvements and caressing the idea of turning my little baby pattern into some sort of online workshop. Shhhhh!. I didn't say that. You did not hear me say that. Let's move on.

Wee little baby legs, round and full of curves. By Fig and Me.

My sweet little baby, by Fig and Me. 

A wee baby, basking in her glorious freckles. By Fig and Me. 

And since you were going to ask anyways, yes. She has a sister. Yes, they will both become available for purchase pretty soon. Gossip tells tomorrow. But you know me, you just never know. 

They are two little toadstool-hat-wearing babies, with lovely cashmere/lambswool dresses, snazzy diapers, and the chubbiest of arms and legs. They fit in your hand and are lightly weighted with glass beads inside their torso. Nothing major, just a nice little extra touch.

If you want to see what this sassy little baby will be wearing, look below. Don't fall off your chair. Babies have that magnetism.

That's why babies need pocketses! by Fig and Me.

Isn't she such a little ham? I asked her why she wanted such a large pocket on her dress. Well, to carry a wooden peg baby. Mercy!. I see to have lost the entire collection of marbles by now and it's of no surprise, as this marks my NINETH year in dollmaking shenanigans. 

What say you? A party? A giveaway? A retreat? New dress? Oh…one can dream. In the mean time, I will be a good dollmaker and sew the buttons and tie the collars and photograph these babies extensively for their post tomorrow. Wish me luck that no hell breaks lose in the studio. Be right back.