fig & me

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Bunny thoughts

Part of the fun of taking it a wee bit slowly this year, is that I want to have the time (and mental space) to create things for my friends and my family. So many wee babies have been born and my complete exhaustion and busy schedule has prevented me from sending then handmade lovies. That is just not right, when I am constantly creating dolls and other toys for children all over the place. Well, I intend this year to be the beginning of a change in that regard.

My dear friend Tracey had a baby boy back in October, pretty close to my birthday. So, with anticipation of warmer temperatures soon (hopefully!) and some toddlerish love, I made him a linen outfit and a wee dollie. Eva, the prima donna, insisted on modelling the outfit. So I let her do it, partly because I know that Silas and Tracey wouldn't mind.

And, I also had a bit of fun modelling myself the wee doll. So soft and cuddly, perfect for Silas' little hands, once they start grabbing and nibbling and playing with toys. At the rate we are going, that will be pretty soon I think.

So Tracey, expect these wee presents in the mail this week! I promise I won't have them lingering here any longer! I seem to want to make more of these wee cashmere bunnies, and I still have a few babies in line to be gifted with one, but once I am done with my baby-presents you people out there will have a stash to choose from closer to Spring. It is turning into my preferred baby present, perhaps you too have other  babies in your life you wish to send a bunny to?

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Time will come. For now, I am off to take the pins off my pants and to sketch a few dollies that are waiting in my head. Good night.